27 June, 2013

Optical invisibility or cloacking

Watch the following video and, without cheating, try to explain how they manage to achieve the "invisibility effect".

Had you heard about it before?

1 comment:

  1. Teacher: Could it be magic? I guess not, isn't it? But, as with magic, physics optical laws are being used to achieve these effects. I'm no physicist, I'm an engineer. So I can only explain what happens in the following way: in front of the guys there are two glasses with different ligth polarizations. I mean it let in light but at different wavelengths. Boys distances to each of the glasses are acting as ligth filters. So in the first scene we didn't see the younger boy because he was in front of the first glass. Then we saw the legs of the older boy stands behind. Finally, the younger boy appears to be located at the bottom while the brother is located in front of glasses and it that way he looks like it is made ​​transparent. Maybe it's a stupid explanation but I believe it explains what we saw in this movie. Great Teacher! Thanks for this. Álvaro
