04 May, 2013

A Nano Ship to the Stars

Here is a short video by Michio Kaku. Listen to what he has to say and prepare a written summary in which you inform others about you have just watched.


  1. Marina: interesting site of cience.

    Michio Kaku talk about a very creative idea to explore the stars. He recommends to imitate the nature and not to use a big nave like the 2001 film had shown. He proposes to imitate the forest when spread the flowers through pollen. He imagines a difussion of sensors similar to the viruses. He knows that nano technology do not do yet but could do it in the future. That to say the nano technology could develop little sensors to view the stars. He knows that nano technology has not achieved yet but that it could do in the near future. For example, these very little naves could use the Jupiter magnetic field to get speed and to get to the stars. And in that way it could send millons, billons or trillons of sensors to see the outer space.

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  3. Micho Kaku said that the way to explore the Universe would be using nanotechnology instead of big Starships. Ensembles of nano ships could be the best option to travel throw the stars reaching velocities close to light.
    He also admit that we have to wait to the develop of the technology, but once we'll reach the development, it may form bigger machines using the principle of Von Neumann, like a virus.
    This is how he thinks we will reach the Star Wars.
